Hello World, I'm

Yovenzor Singh

Frontend Developer

Get to Know Me Better 🏆

Hello! 👋 I'm Yovenzor Singh, a passionate Frontend Developer who embarked on this exciting journey just a few months ago.

💻🖱️ With experience in HTML CSS, I quickly became familiar with turning my ideas into easy-to-use websites. Since then, I have been on a quest to learn to expand my skill set.

📰 When I'm not in front of my computer, I'm usually exploring other users ideas to combine them and create my own projects or experimenting with new coding techniques. I am excited about the possibilities ahead in this fast-paced industry.

Let's connect and create a great community! 🚀

  • Web Developer
  • Frontend Developer
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Learning

Projects I've been working on 🛠

Linktree Alternative

It's like Linktree, but my own version, the purpose of this project, is to just showcase my best projects and some of my social media links, the ones that I use more, apart from developing my skills I learned how to use display grid in CSS.

Languages used in this project were no more than 2, HTML5 & CSS3.

This is still the v1.0, coming soon v2.0!

QR Code Generator

With this project, there can't be a simpliest way to create a QR code, just write something in the input or put a URL, and click the button, the QR Code generated, and it works.

Languages used in this project were HTML, CSS & and JS; With this project I learned a little bit of JS, but I'm on it.

This is also the v1.0, coming soon v2.0!

To-Do List App

It's a to-do list, I learnt a little bit of JS, specially how to add tags to HTML from JS, created in two days.

My own VSCode theme

Created a VSCode theme in less than 2h. Just to add a project to my experience

* These projects are being worked on, which means that this page will change from time to time *

Send me an email 💬